
Our Services

One-On-One Accountability and Implementation coaching and
training. Multi-Day Sales, Management, Leadership, business planning training, and On-Site training and coaching events

Who Gets The Most Value From Us?


Contractors with limited or malfunctioning systems to operate their business.

These types of contractors often have been operating without formal business models, systems and procedures, software, sales tools, and training systems. Many times they have been able to hire some people on their team. After much effort, they realize that as an owner, they have gotten the company as far as they are going to get it. If they want to have an elite company, they are going to need guidance and help. With these clients, we guide them through every aspect of growing a successful and profitable business.


Established contractors whose business is stagnant or even declining.

These types of clients have often received some formal education in the best practice groups and associations. They often stagnate because they fail in the implementation of the knowledge they acquired. With these types of clients, we focus on goal setting, accountability, motivation, and implementation.

Established contractors whose business is growing and successful.

These types of contractors engage our services because they understand the value of our consulting and training models. They utilize RoofCoach as a 3rd party resource for the creating and delivery of consistent training that creates results. This frees up their senior team members so the company can scale in a controlled and predictable manner.

Our Services


The RoofCoach approach to training and consulting is designed to ensure that what gets taught has the greatest likelihood of getting implemented into the organization. Everything revolves around the belief that the level of freedom and control a business owner has will be in direct relation to the systems and processes that get implemented and operated by the team members working in the organization.

This is why we assign less clients to each advisor, and we invest more time overseeing the implementation of solutions

our key focus areas

Business vision and planning

Financial and data mastery for reliable control

Recruiting and hiring for optimal fit

Clarifying values and enhancing company culture

Marketing planning and ROI measurement

Increased sales performance (close ratios, average sales)

Increased profit (gross margin increase, operational expense planning for profit)

our 4-step approach

develop the business model
develop the leaders
train the model to the team
measure, accountability, support

One-On-One Accountability and Implementation coaching and training Multi Day Sales, Management, Leadership, business planning training On-Site training and coaching events

placeholder service 1

This is just placeholder text. Don’t be alarmed, this is just here to fill up space since your finalized copy isn’t ready yet. Once we have your content finalized, we’ll replace this placeholder text with your real content.

Sometimes it’s nice to put in text just to get an idea of how text will fill in a space on your website.

Traditionally our industry has used Lorem Ipsum, which is placeholder text written in Latin. Unfortunately, not everyone is familiar with Lorem Ipsum and that can lead to confusion. I can’t tell you how many times clients have asked me why their website is in another language!

placeholder service 1

This is just placeholder text. Don’t be alarmed, this is just here to fill up space since your finalized copy isn’t ready yet. Once we have your content finalized, we’ll replace this placeholder text with your real content.

Sometimes it’s nice to put in text just to get an idea of how text will fill in a space on your website.

Traditionally our industry has used Lorem Ipsum, which is placeholder text written in Latin. Unfortunately, not everyone is familiar with Lorem Ipsum and that can lead to confusion. I can’t tell you how many times clients have asked me why their website is in another language!

placeholder service 1

This is just placeholder text. Don’t be alarmed, this is just here to fill up space since your finalized copy isn’t ready yet. Once we have your content finalized, we’ll replace this placeholder text with your real content.

Sometimes it’s nice to put in text just to get an idea of how text will fill in a space on your website.

Traditionally our industry has used Lorem Ipsum, which is placeholder text written in Latin. Unfortunately, not everyone is familiar with Lorem Ipsum and that can lead to confusion. I can’t tell you how many times clients have asked me why their website is in another language!

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Many in our industry are too proud to seek knowledge. Congratulations for your commitment to success. We are excited to learn more about you!

Fill out the information below to get started!

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Congratulations! You are among the few in our industry who are not too proud to seek out knowledge to improve their company!

Fill out the info below to get your guide.