
The 5 Rules to Sell MORE Roof Jobs at HIGHER Prices

Are you a roofing contractor constantly losing jobs to competitors who undercut your prices by $100 or more per square? It’s a common frustration in the industry, but there’s good news: you can win more jobs at higher prices without resorting to sleazy sales tactics. 

Let’s dive into five rules that will help you become the “most certain option” for homeowners so you can win more jobs without relying on price.

  1. Move From Unconscious to Conscious

Most homeowners are “unconsciously incompetent” when it comes to roofing. They don’t know what they don’t know, and they don’t think they need to. Your job is to move them to “consciously incompetent” – where they realize there’s more to learn.

Key Takeaway: Don’t “roofsplain.” Instead, help homeowners become aware of what they don’t know about roofing decisions.

     2. Embrace the “Dealership Model”

Why do people pay more for dealership car services? Certainty. They trust the expertise, tools, and ability to make things right if something goes wrong. Apply this model to your roofing business.

Action Step: Ensure your team is up-to-date on manufacturer requirements, local building codes, and best practices. Provide a premium experience from the first phone call to final clean-up.

    3. Focus on the Future

Homeowners often view a roof as a “grudge purchase.” Change their perspective by focusing on long-term performance. Here’s a simple technique:

Ask: “How many extreme weather days do we have annually?” 

Follow up with: “How long do you plan to own the home?” 

Conclude: “So your roof needs to withstand X number of extreme weather events. What’s your tolerance for leaks?”

This approach shifts the focus from price to long-term value and performance.

     4. Be the Most Certain Option

Imagine two flight options: one costs $1,000 with a guaranteed arrival, the other $199 with a 99% chance of arrival. Most would choose the certain option, even at a higher price.

Strategy: Position your company as the “certain” choice. From your appearance to your organization and competence, exude certainty in every aspect of your business.

Effectively Communicate Your Value

It’s not enough to be the best; you must communicate your value effectively. This is especially crucial for the 60% of potential customers who could go either way based on your communication.

Tip: List out what makes you superior, how it benefits the client, and practice communicating this clearly and concisely.


By implementing these five strategies, you’ll be able to effectively communicate your value to that crucial 60% of potential customers and sell more jobs without relying on price. When you become the obvious and safest choice, you don’t need to rely on high-pressure tactics or unethical practices.

Remember, it’s about clearly demonstrating why your premium service is worth every penny. Start applying these strategies today, and watch as you win more jobs at the prices you deserve.

Want to learn more about building an awesome roofing business? Check out our latest YouTube video for a deeper dive into these strategies, and don’t forget to subscribe for more valuable content!

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